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記事 "Alriune (Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
最新版のこのページを探していますか?: Alriune
"Alriune (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。

- Angela

"Are your memories of love withering? Or have they already withered to nothing?"
- Angela


Alriune (T-04-53-W) is an Abnormality that is tall, pink, and looks similar to a horse. She has 6 pointed legs, a long neck covered in bright teal leaves, and a humanoid head with empty eye sockets and pink dust coming out of her mouth. She is also wearing a pink sunhat with a leaf. Pink petals fall around her.

特殊能力 / Ability[]

彼女の能力は"地球で生まれ、地球に還る(Born of Earth, It returns to Earth)"です。それは彼女に対する作業行動が数多く失敗、または彼女が長期間に渡って良い気分で放置された場合、彼女の気分が減少するときに発生します。能力が発生すると、しばらくの間ピンクの塵が部屋を満たした後、彼女は逃亡します。彼女が逃亡するとき、Alriuneはピンクの花のようなカーテンで覆われます。彼女はその行動により、異なる場所(メインルームを含む)から部署周辺にテレポートし、近くにいる職員をピンクの花びらで覆い、継続的な強い精神ダメージを与えます。その攻撃の結果、職員の精神ゲージがゼロになった場合、パニック状態を引き起こすのではなく、彼らはAlriuneのようなピンクの花のようなカーテンで覆われます。カーテンが消えると職員は花びらと葉で覆われており、死んだと看做されます。

Her ability is "Born of Earth, It returns to Earth", which will trigger when her mood is depleted, if too many failed actions are performed on her in a row, or if she is left in a good mood for too long. If the latter occurs, pink dust will fill the room for a few moments, and Alriune will escape. Alriune will be covered by a pink flower-like curtain when she escapes. She can teleport around the department by performing this action to different locations (Including the main room), and will cover nearby employees in pink petals, dealing strong mental damage constantly. If the employee runs out of mental health as a result of this effect, instead of going into a panicked state, they will be covered by a pink curtain like Alriunes. When the curtain disappears, they will be covered in petals and leaves. They will be considered dead.


She can escape in middle of an employees work if she is in a good mood. If you click several times on an employee before the curtain puts them to sleep, you can release them and restore their entire mental gauge.

由来 / Origin[]


Alriune is a doll who yearned to be human. While loved by many people for her soulful eyes, time passed and she was abandoned in a dark forest where the crows stole them from her. As more time went by, being abandoned caused her mind, heart and life to start to fade away. She started turn to dust.


Alriune seems to repeat a cycle of life, similar to 'dust you are and to dust you shall return'. This concept seem to be mentioned in her encyclopedia entries, and in the case that she has to 'return to dust', she will bring everyone else to her own fate.


Where Alriune was found and how she arrived in the facility is still unknown.

管理方法 / Caretaking[]


彼女は他のアブノーマリティと同様、気分に応じてエネルギー放出量が変化します。 彼女は上機嫌な時に中程度のエネルギーを生成し、平常時には中程度エネルギーを消費、不機嫌時は大量のエネルギーを生成します。彼女の気分値は、放置されると減少するのではなく、増加していきます。この性質はDon't Touch Meと似ています。

アルリウネの気分ゲージは、不機嫌、平常、上機嫌の3つのセクションに分かれています。 彼女は35%以下で不機嫌になり、35%から65%の間で平常に、65%を超えると上機嫌になります。

  • 「職員<name>はアルリウネの恐怖を克服しなかった。すぐにアルリウネの植物が職員<name>を覆い始めた。」
  • 「アルリウネの植物で 職員<name>が 覆われたとき、可能な限り早く植物は除去された。その後職員<name>の精神状態は回復した。」
  • 「アルリウネの特殊能力により作業を進めることができなかった。その結果アルリウネの気分値は0になり、アルリウネは収容室から脱走した。」
  • 「アルリウネは気分値が上昇したとき攻撃性が減ることが明らかになった。」
  • 「しかし気分値が上昇した後アルリウネと収容室に異常が発生しアルリウネは収容室から脱走した。」

Alriune likes cleanliness work, hates violence, and is neutral towards nutrition, consensus or amusement work. Be aware that Alriune reaching a good mood will trigger her ability.

Like all Abnormalities, her energy output changes depending on her mood. She produces a moderate amount of energy when happy, drains a moderate amount of energy when neutral, and produces large amount of energy when distressed. Her mood increases, instead of decrease, when being ignored, similar to Don't Touch Me.

Alriune's mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 35%, she will feel distressed, between 35% and 65%, she will be neutral; and above 65%, she will feel happy.

  • "The <name> employee did not overcome the fear of Alriune. Soon, Alriune plants began to cover <name> employees."
  • "When a <name> employee was shrouded in a Alriune plant pile, the plant pile was removed as quickly as possible. Then the <name> employee returned to a state of restored mentality."
  • "Alriune's special ability did not allow me to manage. As a result, the mood of Alriune was 0, and Alriune disappeared out of the containment room."
  • "Alriune showed a tendency that aggression was alleviated when the mood value was out of the bad state."
  • "However, after a period of time in good condition, Alriune's containment room began to change, and Alriune similarly escaped the quarantine."

戦略 / Strategy[]

アルリウネは上機嫌になったとき、気分値が枯渇したとき、作業が何度も失敗したときの3つの原因で特殊能力が引き起こされるため、Legacy verでは、管理が難しいアブノーマリティの1つです。情報チームの研究を進め、精神ダメージを抑えるために「メンタルトレーニング」をアップグレードしたり、収容違反が発生した場合に備えて「アブノーマリティシミュレーション」を研究することが有効です。




彼女を同じ部屋に留まらせたい場合は、従業員が花のカーテンに覆われないようにしてください。それが成功すると、別の場所にテレポートする可能性があるためです。また、必要に応じてLittle Redに依頼することで、アルリウネを簡単に鎮圧することができます。

Alriune, at the moment, is one of the most complex Abnormality to take care of, because her mood increases when being ignored, and her ability can trigger in 3 cases: While in a good mood, depleting her mood or when failing work too many times. Is advised that the player should focus on getting agents of average or high Mental Gauge to perform works with her, and/or upgrade the 'Mental Training' research, and 'Abnormality Simulation' in case of breach, of the Information Team.

Alriune's mood can change only by performing Cleanliness, increasing it; and Violence, decreasing it. Since her mood increases when ignored, try to use Violence to keep her in a bad mood instead. When unlocking more Observation Levels, and then trying to perform Violence work, agents of high level could end in depleting her mood gauge and triggering her ability, so try to use low level agents instead if possible. The best moment to using Violence work with most agents are before she can reach her good mood (In the 5 bar of her neutral mood, 60%). To prevent her mood from increasing, you can also stop her mood for a while by performing Nutrition, Consensus and Amusement. The drain of energy will be the less of the worries in a stable facility.

When breaching, she teleports through the department, including the main room, dealing strong psychological damage against all the employees in the same room. If this attack depletes the mental gauge of an employee, instead of panicking, they will get covered by a curtain of pink flowers, killing them instantly. You must click several times on the process to release the employee and recover their whole mental gauge. A way to suppress her is by sending two agents with one using a melee weapon, and the other with a range weapon. Since her damage is continuous, try to keep low amount of employees in the same room with her, because is very difficult to release several agents at the same time. If she appears in the main department room, send the agents with lower mental gauge in the same room to perform works in other departments until Alriune teleports to somewhere else or is suppressed.

If you want to keep her in the same spot, try to prevent employees from getting covered by the flowers, because when is successful, there's a chance that she will teleport to another location. Optionally, you can use Little Red to suppress Alriune easily. You can leave Alriune breaching near the end of the day, or if the current department doesn't posses any other Abnormalities which can trigger their abilities while in a bad mood.

観測 / Observations[]

観測レベル 作業速度 気分値減少 基礎気分値



好みの理解 エネルギー生産の把握
0 +0% -0% 48% 0 1 None None
1 +10% -15% 48% 1 2 + アブノーマリティの名称 + 画像 + リスクレベル 普通: 栄養 嫌い: 暴力

上機嫌/ 不機嫌: 標準+ 普通: 大-

2 +10% -30% 48% 2 + 名称 3 普通: 交信, 娯楽 普通: 標準- 不機嫌: 大+
3 +20% -30% 48% 4 4 好き: 清潔 普通: 大-
4 +30% -40% 48% 5 4 None None
5 +40% -50% 48% 5 4 None 普通: 標準-

最終観測 / Final Observation[]





You told me, shedding petals instead of tears. "We were all nothing but soils once, so do not speak of an end here."

You told me, blossoming flowers with body as if they are your last words.


Spring will come.(春が来る。) Winter will come.(冬が来る。)



Spring is coming. Slowly, rapturously, my end began.



Winter is coming. Gradually, my exipation was drawing to an end hectically.


エンサイクロペディア / Encyclopedia Description[]

Alriune Encyclopedia

Alriune's encyclopedia portrait

  • それは滑らかな表面をしている。眼窩は空いており、成長している植物で満たされている。
  • アルリウネ、人間になることを切望した人形。彼女は魂のこもった目で人々に愛されていた。
  • アルリウネ、暗い森に捨てられた。カラスは輝く目を盗んだ。彼女の精神、生命、心はゆっくりと消えていった。
  • アルリウネ、目もなしにすべてを見る。人形になることを切望した人間。彼女は塵に帰りたいと思い、生を望むすべてとともに塵に帰る。
  • "It has smooth surface. Eye sockets are empty; they are filled with growing plants."
  • "Alriune, a doll yearned to be a human. She was loved by people with her soulful eyes."
  • "Alriune, abandoned in dark forest. Crows desired and stole her gliterring eyes. Her mind, life and heart slowly faded away."
  • "Alriune, seeing everything without eyes. A human yearned to be a doll. With her hope to return to dust, she will return to dust with everything that desire to live."

フレーバーテキスト / Flavour Text[]

  • "何からも生まれなかったもの、何にも帰らない。"
  • "枯れることのない花が激しく咲き誇る。"
  • "職員<name>は収容室に飽和しているラベンダーに深く感動している。"
  • "職員<name>は、血の代わりに爽やかな香りを吐き出す。"
  • "アルリウネは内部の焼け跡を記憶している。"
  • "おそらく、私たちは心の無い人間を作ろうとした。"
  • "職員<name>は花壇で穏やかな春眠を望んでいる。"
  • "アリオーネは一度花が咲き、枯れた。彼女は復活の意味を理解した。痕跡は残り、すべての命はアルリウネに集まる。"
  • "みんなの心に花が咲く。"
  • "The one came from nothing, will return with nothing."
  • "Unwithering flowers blossom violently."
  • "Employee <name> is deeply impressed by Lavenders saturating the containment chamber."
  • "Employee <name> Cloie gushes out refreshing scent instead of blood."
  • "Alriune remembers the scorches inside"
  • "Perhaps we tried to make a human without a heart."
  • "Employee <name> wants to have a spring sleep cozily in the flower bed."
  • "Allione, once bloomed and withered. She realized the meaning of resurrection. The traces will remain and all lives gather to Alriune."
  • "Flower blooms in everyone's heart."

余談 / Trivia[]

  • 公式トレーラーの、エレベーター墜落シーン直後に映るシルエットの中に、アルリウネの姿がある。
  • 収容所に近づくと、アルリウネは地震のような音を発している。
  • Alriune made a cameo in the teaser trailer as one of the shadows in the crashed elevator scene.
  • When viewed up close, Alriune makes a sound like leaves cracking, or an earthquake.

ギャラリー / Gallery[]
