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記事 "Happy Teddy (Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
最新版のこのページを探していますか?: Happy Teddy
"Happy Teddy (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。

- Angela

"Now the teddy can see the world that he could not see with only one eye."
- Angela

Happy Teddy (T-04-06-H、幸せなテディ)は、齧られた耳、白いボタンの片目、茶色の毛皮、薄茶色の口元、あせた緑のリボンを首に結った大きなテディベア人形です。破れたいくつもの布地からは綿がはみ出しています。

Happy Teddy (T-04-06-H) is a large, worn-out teddy bear with a chewed ear, a single white button eye, brown matted fur, a light brown muzzle, and a faded green ribbon around its neck. Its stuffing spills out from multiple tears in its fabric.

特殊能力 / Ability[]

幸せなテディの特殊能力は"Old Hugs that we Missed(懐かしき抱擁)"です。職員が収容室に入ると、テディは職員を力いっぱい抱きしめ、絞め殺してしまいます。特殊能力の発動条件は:

  • 同じ職員を連続して作業させる
  • 同じ作業を連続して行なう
  • 気分値が0になる
  • 通常作業後にハグを行なっていない(確証はないが、可能性は高い)

Its special ability is "Old Hugs that we Missed". When an employee enters Happy Teddy's containment room, it will hug the employee tightly, choking it to death. The ability is triggered only upon:

  • Sending the same worker twice in a row
  • Doing the same work twice in a row
  • Letting its mood reach zero
  • Not performing a hug every other action (not guaranteed, but likely)

由来 / Origin[]




Happy Teddy's story can be deciphered through its Flavour Text when performing work on it. It can be said that Happy Teddy was packaged in a big decorated box for the birthday of a girl of 7 years old. Happy Teddy enjoyed all the nights with the child, remembering the hugs that they gave to it. But as time passed, the child grew up, and Happy Teddy was abandoned in a wardrobe. It never forgot the girl.

How Happy Teddy 'came to life' is still unknown, as well where it was found and how it arrived in the facility.

Happy Teddy loves hugs, but for fear being abandoned again, it will not let the person hugging them go, squeezing them so tightly that they suffocate and/or are crushed to death.

管理方法 / Caretaking[]





  • "テディを抱擁することよりも良い作業はない"
  • "職員<Name>は連続した抱擁の後、幸せなテディの腕の中で窒息死した状態で発見された"
  • "職員<Name>は幸せなテディの腕の中で首が折れた状態で発見された。おそらく<Name>が連続して幸せなテディの部屋へ入室してしまったことが原因だろう。参照資料―「郵送不可」と印字された古ぼけた手紙"
  • "我々は、「抱きしめる」のは別の職員が他の作業を完了させてから行なうことを決定した"

Happy Teddy responds best to amusement work. It likes cleanliness and consensus work, and hates violence and nutrition. Happy Teddy has a sixth option titled "To Hug", which appears to raise its mood the most.

Players should take care with who they send in, as a single employee who enters twice in a row will be crushed to death by its hugs. Therefore, is wise to keep track of which employee was sent in last. Only Optimists and Pacifists can perform "To Hug".

Happy Teddy produces the most energy when it's at its happiest. It produces a moderate amount of energy when neutral, and drains the facility of a large amount when in distress.

Happy Teddy's mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 50%, it will feel distressed, between 50% and 80%, it will be neutral; and above 80%, it will feel happy.

  • "There was no activity that was better than hugging Teddy."
  • "Employee <name> were found choked to death in Happy Teddy's arms after continuous hugging."
  • "Employee <name> was found in Happy Teddy's arms with a broken neck. We believe that this was due to <name>'s continuous visits Happy Teddy's room. Reference document- Old letter with ´cannot be sent´sign."
  • "We've decided that hugging should be done with different employees and activities at a time."

戦略 / Strategy[]

Happy Teddy is a complex Abnormality to take care of, not mostly of the threat, but due to its conditions to trigger its own ability. When having Happy Teddy, the player have to remember the Life Style of the employees in the current department and check which of them can perform its special work, 'Hugging', which can only be performed by Optimist and Pacifist agents. Assign other agents if none of the current department satisfy the needs.

Happy Teddy's mood can be increased by performing Amusement, Consensus, Cleaning and its special work, 'Hugging', with a energy boost. Since repeating the same work twice will cause Happy Teddy to trigger its ability, and not performing the special work after any other work can end in killing the employee; always start with any work (Except Hug), followed by the special work, and repeat or vice versa. Remember to don't send the same employees twice when working to avoid causalities.

Try to use agents of level 2 or higher, since Happy Teddy can deal average Psychological Damage when failing at work, leading new agents to panic.

The best way to take care of Happy Teddy is to have 2 employees, one of them of Optimist or Pacifist Life Style for the special work, and the another agent must have at least one of the other three works. Perform the previous work order (Hug, any work except Hug, repeat), using the mentioned employees. If no other events limit your selected agents, this simple strategy will be enough to keep the Abnormality happy. If you don't remember what agent you sent first, check the Work Log of the encyclopedia. There you can see which agent started and finished their work.

If you left Happy Teddy for a while in its bad mood and is about to get depleted, maybe the best is just to left it like that for the rest of the day, since once it enters in that state, its ability will trigger with the first employee who enters to its room.

観測 / Observations[]

観測レベル 作業速度 気分値減少 基礎気分値



好みの理解 エネルギー生産の把握
0 +0% -0% 40% 0 1 None None
1 +10% -15% 44% 1 2 + アブノーマリティの名称 + 画像 + リスクレベル 嫌い: 栄養, 暴力

上機嫌: 大+ 普通: 標準+ 不機嫌: 大-

2 +10% -30% 48% 2 + 名称 4 + 正式名称 好き: 清潔 None
3 +20% -30% 52% 3 5 大好き: 娯楽 好き: 交信 None
4 +30% -40% 56% 4 5 None None

最終観測 / Final Observation[]





Rubbish teddy bear. Its wool sticks out here and there. The amount of dust piled up on it tells how long this teddy has been abandoned.

One of the button, which are eyes, is hanging loose.

Leave it alone放っておく Take the button offボタンを取る


You don't know what to do with it so you just left it alone. The teddy sits there without any movement.




You took the button off. It was disturbing for some reason. The button is old and rotten and makes you uncomfortable.

Took a button off from your cloth自分の服のボタンを取った。



You took out a button off from your cloth and attached it to the teddy. The teddy looks kind of awkward because your button doesn't match with the other one.

You sewed the button tightly, making sure it doesn't fall off randomly.


エンサイクロペディア / Encyclopedia Description[]


Happy Teddy's encyclopedia portrait

  • "テディの布地は毛羽立ち、片目はなくなっている."
  • "首に巻かれたリボンには名前が書かれていたようだ。おそらく以前の所有者が書いたものだろうが、かすれてしまい判別は不可能だ。対象の肩は垂れ下がっており、それが長い年月放置されていたことを物語っている。ハグが好きなようだ"
  • "定期的な投薬が非常に効果的であることが確認された。対象は元の所有者に対して強烈な執着を持っているようだ。また、このアブノーマリティが他者を所有者だと認識した場合、どのような結果になるかも確認されている"
  • "インタビューログ32_356 ― 職員M2434:「その日、私は夜間警備についていました。幸せなテディは基本害はなく、さほど注意する必要もありませんが、一応確認のために収容室を覗き込みました。テディは誰かを抱きしめていました。私はその人物が<削除>だと思いました。<削除>はテディの担当だったので、遅くまで世話をしているんだと思いました。テディはハグが好きなのですが、それでも何か違和感を感じました。私はテディを引き離すのを手伝おうかと尋ねるために、部屋に入って<削除>に呼びかけましたが、返事はありませんでした。私はすぐに緊急スイッチを引き援護を要請しました。<削除>が死んでから8時間も経っていたそうです。朝から夜中私が発見するまでの間、<削除>はテディの腕の中にいたのです」"
  • "<<>「郵送不可」と書かれた古ぼけた手紙<>>「職員限定マニュアル」の第3条を覚えてるか?『アブノーマリティに個人的な感情を抱くべからず。』はじめはよく分からなかった。だってあんな化け物に好意的な感情を抱くことなんてあるわけないだろう? いいんだよ、あいつらは本当に化け物なんだし、俺達だけのときは化け物呼ばわりしたって問題ないさ。お前が2番目に担当したのは「幸せなテディ」だったよな? テディを見たとき、アブノーマリティの全部が全部恐ろしい見た目をしてるわけじゃないって思っただろう。多分、昔遊んで今じゃどこにやったのかも分からなくなった自分のぬいぐるみを思い出したんじゃないかと思う。あのテディはお前のハグが好きだったんじゃないかと思ってる。お前が担当の時、あいつはいつもより多くエネルギーを放出していたんだ。そして俺たちがそのこと気付いたときには、お前はテディの担当になっていた。多分、お前は責任のようなものを感じていたんじゃないだろうか。お前があいつの部屋に行く頻度が増えるにつれて、俺の心配も増していった。お前が何の考えもなくただ同情だけで動いているだけのような気がしてな。……おそらくテディはお前を新しい所有者として認識したんだろう。聞けばお前は喜ぶだろうな。でもな……テディは所有者から離れるのを嫌う。また来ると約束しても、あいつは理解しない。お前が奇跡的に助かったって聞いたよ。テディから引き剥がすのに1時間かかったとも。たとえ他の連中がお前を忘れたとしても、俺はお前を覚えているよ。もう一度奇跡が起こらんことを。― K.H.より"
  • "The teddy has shaggy fur and is missing one eye."
  • "Around its neck it has a ribbon with what looks like a name written on it. Maybe from a loving old owner. It is too worn out to distinguish the name. Creature's shoulders are slouched as if it knows that it has been abandoned. It seems to like hugs."
  • "It has been confirmed that periodic anesthesia shows higher efficacy. They have an intense obsession towards the owner. It is yet to be confirmed what side effects are caused when the Abnormality reconizes the person as an owner."
  • "Interview Log 32_356 - Employee M2434: "I was on rounds for the night shift. Happy Teddy didn't need much attention, it was usually harmless. I looked inside the containment room facility, just to check. Teddy was embracing someone. For a while, I thought it was <Redacted>. <Redacted> was in charge of the Teddy so I thought he was staying late to take care of him. Teddy likes hugs, but something was off. I decided to ask <Redacted> whether he wanted to take off or not. I went into the area and called for <Redacted> but there was no answer. I pulled the emergency switch and called for help. Apparently, <Redacted> had been dead for 8 hours. <Redacted> had been in Teddy's arm since morning, until night-time when I found him."
  • "<<>Old letter with 'cannot be sent' sign<>> Do you remember Article 3 from the 'Employees Only' manual? "Never develop personal feelings towards Abnormalities." I didn't understand this at first. I mean, do you think it's possible to have those kinds of feelings towards these monsters? It's okay, they are monsters. We can call them monsters when we are alone. 'Happy Teddy' is the second Abnormality you undertook, right? After seeing Teddy, you probably thought that not all Abnormalities are hideous and scary. Perhaps it brought back some memories as it reminded you of an abandoned old doll. I think Teddy liked your hugs. Yes, Teddy would produce more energy than usual whenever you were sent in. And before we knew it, you were in charge of Teddy. You probably felt something similar to responsibility, right? As the days of you going inside Teddy's containment room grew, my worry grew as well. Because you seemed as if you were a volunteer going to an orphanage. ... I think Teddy thought of you as a new owner. You would have been happy to hear that. But you know... Teddy didn't want to be taken away from his owner again. Although you would always promise to come back, Teddy didn't understand. I heard that you miraculously survived. And that it took an hour to pull you out of Teddy. Even if everyone else forgets about you, I'll always remember you. I hope for a miracle. -From K.H."

フレーバーテキスト / Flavour Text[]

  • "幸せなテディはハグが好きだ。彼の記憶は暖かな抱擁から始まっている"
  • "幸せなテディは子供たちにハグを送りたがっている"
  • "幸せなテディは、我々が幼少の頃に抱きしめ、一緒に眠ったクマのぬいぐるみなのだ"
  • "幸せなテディは、自身の毛羽立ち汚れた毛を悲しげに見つめている。深く考え込んでいるのか、ピクリとも動かない"
  • "思いふけっているテディの首に巻かれた色褪せたリボンが意味もなく揺れている。そこに書かれていたであろう名前も、今はかすれて見えなくなっている"
  • "幸せなテディは動くことなく宙を見つめている。いや、アレは宙ではなく、少女の写真を眺めているのだ"
  • "周りが騒がしくても、幸せなテディは意にも解さない"
  • "<Name>が忙しなく周りで作業していても、幸せなテディはフレームを凝視したまま他に視線をやることもない"
  • "<Name>は幸せなテディが凝視していたフレームの清掃作業を途中でやめた"
  • "幸せなテディは、とある子供の7歳の誕生日パーティを思いだした。自身が飾りつけられた大きな箱に梱包されていたときのことを。"
  • "幸せなテディは、子供たちとの日々を思い返した。彼らを腕に抱いていた頃を"
  • "幸せなテディは、成長した少女を思い出していた。押入れの中、埃まみれになった自分自身を"
  • "職員<Name>は<work>作業を完了した。その間は幸せなテディの孤独を多少なりとも柔らげたようだ"
  • "<Name>は作業中に、破れかけたリボンを丁寧に結びなおした"
  • "<Name>は作業中、幸せなテディの縮れた毛を綺麗に切っていった。反応はない"
  • "<Name>はどうしようもないほどのうつ状態に陥った。このまま生きていたところで意味などない、ただの無価値な存在でしかないのだから"
  • "Happy Teddy loves the hug. Its memory starts from warm hug."
  • "Happy Teddy wants to hug children tightly."
  • "Happy Teddy is a teddy bear that we all wanted to hug and sleep with when we were young."
  • "Happy Teddy is depressingly staring at its own worn fur, lost in thought, not moving an inch."
  • "Tainted ribbon around the neck of lost in thought is meaninglessly swinging. Name that used to be written on the ribbon has faded and nothing is visible."
  • "Happy Teddy is staring at thin air, not moving an inch. It is actually staring at a young girl's picture, not thin air."
  • "Even though it is noisy around, Happy Teddy is not turning its head."
  • "Even though it is buzzy around as <name> is working, Happy Teddy is staring at the frame, not even giving a glance to elsewhere."
  • "<Name> stops the work in between and cleanse of the frame that Happy Teddy is staring at."
  • "Happy Teddy recalls birthday party of 7 year old. Itself is packaged in big and decorated box."
  • "Happy Teddy recalls countless night with the kid. Happy Teddy is holding the kid in."
  • "Happy Teddy recalls her, once kid, who have grown tall. Somewhere underneath a wardrobe, Happy Teddy is all musty."
  • "Employee <name> has finished <work>, and it breaks Happy Teddy out of its loneliness for a moment."
  • "<Name> ties the torn ribbon neatly during the work.
  • "<Name> trimming the torn fur of Happy Teddy during the work. No response."
  • "<Name> is captivated by unexplainable depression. Rest of one's life is meaningless and is just a mere worthless human being."

余談 / Trivia[]

  • 物理攻撃タイプに分類されてはいるものの、職員は物理ダメージよりも精神ダメージを負っている。実はこれはただのバグである
  • ゲーム内では齧られているのは右耳でボタンがついているのは左目になっている。しかし、エンサイクロペディアのイメージでは左耳が齧られ、ボタンは右目に付いている。
  • 識別番号の最初の文字はT(Trauma:トラウマ)となっている。これはおそらくこのアブノーマリティが忘れ去られる恐怖や孤独、人形への恐れといったものを象徴しているためと思われる。孤独に関して言えば、Old Ladyに近しいと言える。
  • Despite being the red attack type, Happy Teddy seems to damage employees psychologically instead of physically. It's likely that this is just a bug.
  • Even though the in-game sprite has been drawn with a chewed right ear and a button for its left eye, Happy Teddy's encyclopedia image has been drawn with a chewed left ear and a button for its right eye instead.
  • Its first letter in the subject number classify it as 'Trauma'. It's possible that this Abnormality represents the fear of abandonment or loneliness, or the fear of dolls. In case of loneliness, is similar to Old Lady.

ギャラリー / Gallery[]
