最新版のこのページを探していますか?: Opened Can of Wellcheers
"Opened Can of Wellcheers (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。
"Why wouldn't the shrimp share this treasure? Because.. Because he was a little shllfish."
- Angela
Opened Can of Wellcheers(F-05-52-Z、蓋の空いたウェルチアース)は、音楽を鳴らす派手な灰色の自動販売機と、オレンジ色のエビのような見張り人から成るアブノーマリティです。彼らは灰色のオーバーオールと黄色のブーツを身に着けています。自動販売機は「ウェルチアース」という名のブドウソーダを常に無料で販売しています。
Opened Can of Wellcheers (F-05-52-Z) is an Abnormality composed of a flashy grey vending machine that plays music and two orange, humanoid guards that resemble shrimp. They wear grey overalls and yellow boots. The vending machine dispenses a free grape soda branded "Wèllcheers" upon the emptying of the drink dock, effectively making a drink always available. The machine's soda packaging color changes with the abnormalities mood. In a neutral mood, the soda will either red or light-blue. When it's in either a bad or good mood, the soda will be blue. It is notable for its position: Instead of being centered behind the cautionary line, it stands in the corner. It is one of a select few abnormalities that differ from the standard position.
特殊能力 / Ability[]
Its special ability is "Otherworldly Soda!", which is triggered through an employee ordering a soda. An employee can perform this action through 'special work'. Depending on its mood status, the effect of the soda will be different. The soda can replenish the agent's health and mental gauge when it's happy. When in the neutral state, the machine will only replenish either health or mental gauge. In the event that an employee drinks a soda while Opened Can of Wellcheers is in a bad mood, the agent will fall asleep. Shortly afterwards, a large wave of soda will fill up the containment chamber, and the employee will, acording to the encyclopedia entries, be brought to a fishing boat. They will be considered dead.
由来 / Origin[]
Opened Can of Wellcheers' origin is currently unknown.
管理方法 / Caretaking[]
Opened Can of Wellcheers responds best to cleanliness, hates violence, and doesn't care for amusements, nutrition, or consensus works.
Like all Abnormalities, its energy output changes depending on its mood. It produces a moderate amount of energy when happy or neutral, and drains a moderate amount of energy when distressed.
Opened Can of Wellcheers' mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 25%, it will feel distressed, between 25% and 85%, it will be neutral; and above 85%, it will feel happy.
- "You can drink from the vending machine by special work."
- "The type of beverage from the vending machine seems to change depending on the mood state of Opened Can of Wellcheers."
- "<Test result W-107>The drink has a unique flavor and sweetness, and it is expressed as a feeling of rising. Afterwards, the fitness of the subject was confirmed."
- "<Test result W-256> The blue aluminum can contains an odorless liquid with strong carbonic acid. It has been shown to be effective in restoring mental strength."
- "Discoverer: # 0 (found when mood is above certain level) Analysis: Appearance, composition and taste are exactly the same as grape flavored carbonated beverages of purple cans. We found that the physical strength and mental strength of the person ingesting the drink recovered together."
- "<CAUTION> When the mood of the vending machine is not good, do not take any drink from the vending machine."
戦略 / Strategy[]
Opened Can of Wellcheers is another easy Abnormality in terms of caretaking, similar to One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds. The main benefit of the Abnormality is its special work and ability, Otherworldly Soda!, which allow to send employees to drink from the machine, recovering health and/or mental gauge, depending of its current mood. The Abnormality doesn't deal any damage when failing at work and its mood can only be increased by doing Cleanliness work.
When working with it, if you want to keep its mood at 'Happy' without reaching 'Mood Rating at its Best' (Since this will not let you send an employee to drink a soda when in effect), you should wait until its mood decreases, near the point when entering in a bad mood, before performing Cleanliness work. With low level agents, it will become a bit more easy to reach its good mood without filling the gauge.
Depending of the location of Wellcheers in the facility, it could become helpful for some employees, who do continuous works on nearby Abnormalities which inflict damage while working. Employees can take turns to drink from the machine to heal their health or mental gauges, as long its mood is in the wanted section. Opened Can of Wellcheers can also become useful in a tactical way when suppressing Abnormalities, by sending employees who need quick regeneration to drink from the machine, without going back to their main department room, similar to One Sin's tactic, but unlike One Sin, the mood of this Abnormality doesn't get depleted when using its special work, giving a bigger benefit.
The only disadvantage is when drinking a soda while is in a bad mood, since it 'kills' the employee. Try to predict the amount of time that the employee will need to reach Opened Can of Wellcheers before sending it to take a drink, specially if is far away, or just send it to do Cleanliness work instead. In its worse, it will only drain some of energy.
観測 / Observations[]
観測データ | |||||||
観測レベル | 作業速度 | 気分値減少 | 基礎気分値 |
アブノーマリティの項目アンロック(合計) |
エンサイクロペディアの項目アンロック(合計) |
好みの理解 | エネルギー生産の把握 |
0 | +0% | -0% | 55% | 1 | 1 | None | None |
1 | +10% | -15% | 55% | 2 | 2 + アブノーマリティの名称 + 画像 + リスクレベル | 普通: 栄養, 交信, 娯楽 |
上機嫌 /普通: 標準+ 不機嫌: 標準- |
2 | +10% | -30% | 55% | 4 + 名称 | 3 + 正式名称 | 大好き: 清潔 普通: 暴力 | None |
3 | +20% | -30% | 55% | 5 | 3 | None | None |
4 | +30% | -40% | 55% | 6 | 3 | None | 上機嫌: 大+ |
最終観測 / Final Observation[]
::Dialogue:: | |
二匹の美味しそうなエビが両側に立っています。 ソーダを買いますか? A vending machine stands before you. Two delicious looking shrimp are standing at both sides of the machine. Will you buy soda? | |
YES(はい) | NO(いいえ) |
目が閉じてくる。 あなたは眠りに落ちた。 … どこか遠くで、カモメの声が聞こえる。 You drank soda. Your eyes close. You fell asleep. ... Somewhere in the distance, you hear seagulls. |
しかし、右のエビがあなたのためにソーダを買った。 あなたはソーダを飲んだ。 目が閉じてくる。 あなたは眠りに落ちた。 … どこか遠くで、カモメの声が聞こえる。 You didn't buy soda. But the shrimp on the right bought it for you. You drank soda. Your eyes close. You fell asleep. ... Somewhere in the distance, you hear seagulls. |
エンサイクロペディア / Encyclopedia Description[]
- 職員記録:お前らロボトミー社の同好会に行ったことがあるか?これを話す前に気を取りなおさないとな……俺は昔、卓球グループの集まりに出席したんだが、女の子がいなかったから即行で帰っちまった。とにかく、ある日、掲示板に奇妙なグループの発表を見た。俺は興味を持ってグループのリーダーに連絡した、そいつはアイン・ソフセフィラから来たアイン・ソフとして自己紹介した。俺はグループに女の子がいるかどうか尋ねたら、たくさんの女性職員がいると言った。それを聞いて超興味が湧いた俺は次回の同好会に即、申し込んだ。そこで俺は、他のみんなのように名前のタグを付けていた。教育チームからは3人、安全チームからは2人来ていたようだった。約30分後、リーダーはウェルチアースを数十缶トレイに入れて、一人一人に渡した。缶がすでに開かれていた時、何かが間違っていたことに気がついた。しかし、俺はソーダに目がなく、缶を貰った瞬間に飲み込んだ……
- それから、リーダーは移動すると言ってトラックを借りた。「あいつはすごいヤツだ」と思った。俺と同じ部門から一人、他の部門から二人、職員がトラックにとび乗った。リーダーは、移動にはは約1時間かかるから昼寝を取れと言った。俺たちはそうした。奇妙なことに、目を閉じた瞬間、俺は気絶するように早く眠りについた。俺は不眠症を抱えていたが、なぜかとてもよく眠れた。それが最大の間違いだった。
- 眠ってからどれくらいの時間が経ったのかわからなかった。俺は遠くからカモメの鳴き声を聞いた。最初は誰かの携帯のアラームだと思った。しかし次は波の音が聞こえた。アラームにしてはあまりにもリアルだった。目を開くと俺はクソったれなボートに乗っていた。ボートだぜ!甲板のエビが飛び跳ねて海に戻ろうとしていた。それは網から逃げ出そうとしていたように見えた。事実は金槌で打たれたように俺を震撼させた。グループリーダーは俺と他の奴らを眠らせて漁船に売りやがった。これは夢に違いないと思ったが、甲板を飛び交うエビは夢にしてはあまりにも現実的だった。俺はデッキの上の人々を見た。奴らは乗組員に違いないと思った。全員がデカくてマッチョだった。どうしてかわからないが、奴らは俺が何か不味いことを言うと、俺を絞めてまた気絶させてくるって感じた。
- 船員は、キャプテン、甲板長とコックを含むおよそ10人だった。奴らは俺を見て笑っていた。キャプテンのように見えた奴が俺の方へ歩いてきて、身長と体重を聞いてきた。俺はいつこの船が港に行くのか尋ねた。奴は1ヵ月後だと俺に話した、さらに、奴らは既に俺の身内と取引をしていた。俺に逃げ道はなかった。俺は「身内」が誰か皆目検討もつかなかったし、尋ねる勇気もなかった。俺はただ間抜けのようにどこか遠くを見つめていただけだった。
- それから、船員は俺を昼食に呼んだ。何らかの赤い香辛料のきいたエビとハマグリとその他の食材でシーフードスープを作っていた。奴らは、俺にそんなところに突っ立って、海にでも飛び込むつもりかと話してきた。俺は、そんなことするかと言った。奴らは笑ってから、このスープには睡眠薬は入ってないからこっちに来て食いなと言った。俺にはそれ以外の選択肢はなかった。意外にも、そのスープは美味しかった。俺達が昼食を済ますとすぐに、奴らはロープの調節方法を俺に教えると言った。俺はその時点で諦めた。水平線の上に見えたのは、人間が生き残れないような小さな島だけだった。港に着くまで、1ヵ月間これに耐えなければならなかった。俺が船員のためにコーヒーとシーフード・スープを作っている間、どうやってロープを調節するべきか、どのように魚の罠を引き上げるべきか、いかに漁網を維持するべきかを教わった。俺はシーフード・スープを作るのがどんどん得意になっていった。俺はそれでレストランを開くことができる。誓ってもいいね。
- 後ほど、俺達は二、三の台風に遭遇した。俺達は何らかの絆を築き始めた。仲間意識ってやつさ。2週後、クジラを眺めるのに退屈するようになり始めていたとき、キャプテンは俺が本当に良ければボートで正式に働くことに興味がないか尋ねてきた。今や俺はロボトミーから解雇されたんだと確信していた。その後の人生について心配しなければならなかった。だから俺はその申し込みに興味が湧いた。俺が今何をしているかって?さて、俺は安定した職と賃金で贅沢に暮らしている。ボートの上でな。海の上で勤労した後に飲むワンショットウォッカは天国のような味だ。俺は現在港にいるが、エビを捕りにすぐ出航しないといけない。誰も将来に何が持っているかわからない、だろ?時々、俺は同好会にいた他の奴らのことを考える。けれど、その後あいつらに何が起こったか知りたくはない。俺はただ前向きな心でいく。だから、あいつらは俺のように上手くやってると思う。ああ、出航の時間だ。じゃあなお前ら。
- "Employee record_ Have you guys been to Lobotomy meetup? I had to collect myself before bringing this up... I once attended some kind of ping-pong group meetup but there were no girls so I just pulled out real quick lol. Anyway, one day, I saw an announcement for some weird group on the board. I got interested so I contacted the group leader and he introduced himself as OO from OO Sephira. I asked if there are girls in the group and he told me they have tons of female employees. Now it got me super interested so I signed up for the upcoming meetup. So I was there, with a name tag like everyone else. I saw like three people from Hod and two from Netzach. About 30 minutes later, the leader came in with dozens of cans of Wellcheers on a tray and gave one to each of us.. I should have realized something was wrong when the can was already opened.. But I'm sucker for soda so I just rammed it down to my throat the moment he gave me the can.."
- "Now, after that, the leader told us it's time to move and he rented a van for that. 'He's an awesome guy', I thought. I hopped onto the van with two employees from horde and one from the same department as me. The leader said it's going to take about an hour so just take a nap. So we did. The weird thing was, I went to sleep real fast. Like, the moment I closed my eyes I became unconscious. I had insomnia but for some reason I could sleep so fast. It was my biggest mistake. I don't know how much time passed since I had fell asleep. I heard a seagull from the distance. At first I thought it was someone's phone alarm. But then I heard wave. It sounded too real to be coming out of a phone so I opened my eyes."
- "I was on a goddamn boat. A BOAT. There was a shrimp hopping and struggling to go back to the sea on the deck. It looked it escaped from the net. The realization crushed me like a hammer, sending shivers down on my spine. The group leader put me and other guys into sleep and sold us to fishing boats. I thought this must be a dream but the shrimp hopping there was too real to be a dream. I saw people on the deck. They must be crews. Everyone was so bulky and muscular. I don't know why I had an impression If I say something wrong, they would strangle me back to sleep."
- "Crews were about 10 people including the captain, the boatswain, and the cook. They were looking at me and laughing. The guy who looked like captain walked towards me and asked about my heights and weights. I asked him when does this go to the port. He told me it's after a month and don't I dare run away because they already made a deal with my people. I had no idea what "my people" is but I was too scared to ask. I was just staring at nowhere dumbfounded. Then the crews called me for a lunch. Then the crews called me for a lunch. They were making some kind of red spicy-looking soup with shrimps and clams and other seafood. They told me don't just stand there like I'm going to jump into the sea. I told them I'm not planning to. Then they laughed, saying they didn't put sleeping pill in this soup so just come here and have it. I had no other choices so I just had it. It was actually good though. As soon as we finished the lunch, they told me they are going to teach me how to adjust the ropes. I just gave up at that point. All I could see over the sea line were tiny islands on which no human being would survive. I had to endure this for a month until I get to the port. I learned how to adjust the ropes, how to pull fish trap up, and how to maintain fishing net while making coffee and seafood soup for the crews. I kept getting better and better at making that seafood soup. I swear I can open a restaurant with that. Later on, we went through a couple of typhoons. Me and them started forming some kind of bond. A companionship. Two weeks later, just when I was starting to get bored to see whales, the captain told me I'm really good and asked me if I'm interested in officially working on the fishing boat. Now, I was sure that I must had been fire from Lobotomy and worried about my life afterwards. So the offer interested me. What am I doing now? Well, I am living well with solid position and pay. On the boat. A shot of vodka after hardworking on the sea tastes like heaven. I'm at the port now but I gotta take off soon to catch shrimps. No one knows what your future hold, huh? Sometimes I think about those other people at the meetup. I wouldn't want to know what happened to them, though. I just try to keep positive mind, thinking they are doing good just like me. Oh, it's time to take off. See you all later."
フレーバーテキスト / Flavour Text[]
- "自動販売機は内部からアップビートの音楽を発する。"
- "エビが好きではない人は、人生の半分を損している。"
- "噂によると、蓋の空いたブドウソーダを飲むと人々は漁船に誘拐されるという。"
- "エビはどのように調理しても美味しい。煮て、揚げて、焼いて、何でも良し!"
- "自動販売機は輝くネオンライトで職員<name>を圧倒した。"
- "誰かがあなたに蓋の空いたブドウソーダを差し出した場合、それを拒絶する必要がある。"
- "噂によると、蓋の空いたブドウソーダを飲むと臓器の一つが行方不明になる可能性があるという。"
- "The vending machine emits upbeat music from the inside."
- "You're missing half of all the enjoyment human being can have if you don't like shrimp."
- "Rumor says people get abducted to fishing boats after drinking an opened can of grape-flavored soda."
- "Shrimps are delicious no matter how you cook them. Boiling, frying, poaching, whatever you want!"
- "The vending machine overwhelms employee <name> with shiny neon lights."
- "If someone offers you an opened can of grape-flavored soda, you must reject it."
- "Rumor says one of your organ might go missing after drinking an opened can of grape-flavored soda."
余談 / Trivia[]
- このアブノーマリティは、睡眠薬の入ったウェルチグレープジュースを飲んだ人が、漁船に拘束されて捕虜になるという、韓国のネット上にある都市伝説を参考にしたものである。その都市伝説の詳細は こちら※韓国語のサイトへのリンク
- 全アブノーマリティの中でも、エンサイクロペディアの文章が特に長い。
- 蓋の空いたウェルチアースは公式のティーザートレーラーに登場した。その姿は現在のゲーム内の姿と異なる部分がある。(自動販売機ではなくテーブルの上に紫色のソーダ缶が置かれていて、見張りのエビは合わせて3人居る。)
- これはおそらく開発段階の姿である。
- ウェルチアースは、「ウェルチ」という実在のジュースをもとにした可能性が高い。
- ウェルチはブドウ味のジュースとして広く知られていて、ウェルチアースもブドウ味である。
- The abnormality is a reference to a Korean internet urban myth where people will allegedly go missing after drinking from a sleeping pill-laced opened can of Welch Grape Juice, and be abducted and held captives in fishing boats. It can be found in Korean here.
- At the moment, its final encyclopedia entry could be the longest in the game.
- Opened Can of Wellcheers appeared in the teaser trailer of Lobotomy Corporation. In the trailer, it looks different from its current in-game sprite. There's a table with a purple Wellcheers on it and 3 guards instead 2. They are surrounding a sleeping employee, and no vending machine was shown.
- This was most likely an indev version.
- "Wèllcheers" is most likely a play on the Welch brand of juice, and cheers being a toast.
- This is further proved by Welch being greatly known for their grape juice.
ギャラリー / Gallery[]
ZAYIN 最も安全 | 触れてはならない - 夜明けのハンマー - たった一つの罪と何百もの善 - 蓋の空いたウェルチアース - ペスト医師 - お前、ハゲだよ… |
TETH | 捨てられた殺人者 - 美女と野獣 - 血の風呂 - 壊れゆく甲冑 - 宇宙の欠片 - オールドレディ - 罰鳥 - マッチガール - 母なるクモ - 壁に向かう女 |
HE | オールアラウンドヘルパー - 大鳥 - 幸せなテディ - 赤ずきんの傭兵 - 無名の胎児 - 赤い靴 - そりのルドル・タ - 歌う機械 - 銀河の子 - 審判鳥 - 沈黙の対価 - 雪の女王 |
WAW | アルリウネ - 大きくて悪いオオカミ - 憎しみの女王 - 貧しい脚本家の手帳 - 女王蜂 - 白雪姫のりんご - 強欲の王 - 小さな王子 |
ALEPH 最も危険 | 「何もない」 - 静かなオーケストラ - 白夜~(使徒)- 終末鳥 |